The Thames

The Thames

Friday, July 24, 2009

Speaking In Tongues

Over the past few months I have learned many things but one of which I think I should pass on. Growing up in youth group the question of "Speaking In Tongues" would always come up and the youth director would always give some biblical answer. I am here to tell you I have witnessed it first hand. Since the twins have been able to babble I noticed that they were communicating but not quite sure if they understood what the other was saying. Since they have been able to move and walk about I realize they do know what the other is saying. Just sitting back and observing you can tell that Macie is the dominant twin. She will throw a fit and scream yah yah yah yah yah and Brec will just look at her and continue to do what he was doing. BUT then she does what we call the "turbo move".... she throws it up into turbo and Brec comes into action. He will crawl over to her, touch her, give her his toy, or go get something from a different room and bring it back to her and she is silenced. Then they will exchange words of some sort. (I like to think its Macie saying, " Thank You" but its probably not) This conversation goes on for a little while each time with both participating. One will look at the other and yada yada yada and the other responds immediately. Its a very scary feeling ...... they supply each others needs and their one. I was warned about this before they were born. A friend said, "Its sad but true, they will take care of each other the older they get...... they will not want you to do "it" (whatever that might be) but their twin. So for now I just sit back and try my hardest to decode this secret language they have, in hopes that they will continue to let me be apart of this unique relationship called a twin.

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